
Virtual International Transdisciplinary Conference (VITC-2020) (August 2020)

Virtual International Transdisciplinary Conference (VITC-2020) organized by Department of Physics, School of Advanced Sciences, Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore – 632 014, TN, India

Date: 26th – 28th August 2020

Chief Guest : Prof. V. Ramgopal Rao, Director, Indian Institute of Technology-Delhi, India
Guest of Honour : Prof. Giuseppe Maruccio, Professor, University of Salento, Italy

About the Conference
Modern scientific and technological developments are the result of collaborative efforts based on
various aspects of science and engineering. For this, exchange of ideas among scientists and
researchers belonging to different streams of science, technology and industry are necessary. In
this regard, Physics department of Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore is bringing up a unique opportunity for students and researchers to experience lectures/talks from experienced scientists from across the globe.

We are organizing a Virtual International Transdisciplinary Conference (VITC-2020) from 26th to 28th of August 2020, where speakers from different scientific expertise will share their knowledge and experience. As a virtual conference, we have the flexibility of inviting the experts from different area of research from all over the world, which is not easily possible at an in person event. The goal of VITC -2020 is to create an opportunity for the participants to think and collaborate in transdisciplinary subjects.

Invited Speakers
Prof. Fikret Yildiz , Turkey
Prof. Giuseppe Maruccio, Italy
Prof. Günter Reiss , Germany
Prof. Harishkumar Madhyastha, Japan
Dr. Kumar Mukesh, UK
Dr. Jesurai Rajan, Germany
Dr. Michiko Yoshitake, Japan
Prof. Nakeeran, UK
Prof. Prashanth Sonar, Australia
Prof. Raghavan Natarajan, Singapore
Dr. Rao Papineni , USA
Prof. Satheesh Krishanmoorthy, UK
Prof. Satoshi Kokado, Japan
Dr. Sumeet S. Aphale, UK
Prof. Valeriy E Arkinchev, Russia
Prof. Yasuhiro Hayakawa, Japan

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